Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Is My Purpose?

Dear Karleon,

I'm so tired of trying to figure out what my purpose is here. I have attended all kinds of spiritual classes, and I have read all sorts of books, and I am really wondering: why am I here? What am I supposed to do?


Holy One -

We hear the frustration and the fear in your question, and we understand that you are searching, searching, searching and feeling as though you are not finding your way.

We suggest to you that you are finding your way, Sacred One.

Before you negate what we say, let us say this: the process of discovery is exactly the process you are experiencing. This is what that process looks like. This is what that process feels like. This is what that process sounds like.

Many of you feel as though you came to this physical experience to do something. We agree. You feel as though you came to do something specific. Again, we agree. You search and search for Your Path, and do not realize that the searching is Your Path.

This is where we can assist you.

For it is in the sacred journey of searching that you discover piece by piece your Truth, your Love, your Peace. You cannot discover this without the journey.

Your question suggests that you believe you can ... and even more, that you should. Your question suggests that you should be able to know without the search, and we say to you that cannot be.

We remind you of the one called Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb and said he discovered 2,000 ways to not create the light bulb!
It is the search itself that leads to the discovery.

We are happy to give you some guideposts, which will assist you in discovering for yourself what your purpose is.

As you are reading your books, and as you are attending your classes, ask yourself: Am I doing this because I find joy in this or am I doing it because I feel I should? If your answer is the former (joy), then please continue. If, however, it is the latter (should), please do not continue.

Choosing your life from a place of joy will bring you awareness and recognition (re-cognition) of your Truth, your Love and your Peace far more quickly than choosing your life from a place of should. We say to you this: you will never discover your Truth, your Love and your Peace by choosing your life from "should."

It cannot be.

Your purpose is always filled with a beingness of joy. Always. Because Spirit is Joy. Therefore, when you choose your life from joy, you are choosing Spirit. And when you are choosing your life from "should" you are not choosing Spirit, for Spirit would never say to you "You should do this." Rather, Spirit says "Come play over here in joy!"

So we say to you this: choose joy and you will discover your purpose very quickly. For you will be choosing Spirit.

And Spirit will always guide you to your greatness.

And so it is.

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