Saturday, February 28, 2009

Will I Survive This Economy?

Dear Karleon -

I am so worried about what is going on in our economy. I keep hearing things like "it's going to get worse before it gets better" and "this is going to go on for several years." I can see that there are many who have lost their jobs and there are those who are losing their homes. I am worried that this can happen to me, and I don't know how I am going to make it through these next few years. Can you help?

Beloved One -

Your economy is a subject of concern for many at this point in time. We see this concern (fear) affecting not only those within your society, but in many other societies, as well. We are going to tell you something that you may find difficult to hear and to believe, but we are going to tell you anyway, because if you hear it from us and then you hear it from another, and then you hear it again, you will begin to understand and then believe it for yourself. And when you can understand this, then you will truly be able to change it.

Holy One: there is no cause for concern. We state this fairly bluntly and we realize that in the stating of it in this manner, there may be an instant and immediate reaction to our statement. We can hear your statement in response: "Well, easy for you to say, Karleon, you aren't living here now and worried about how you will be affected by all of these changes."

And again we say there is no cause for concern. You see, Dear One, it is concern itself that is creating this situation to be greater and greater. For the more you connect to the energy bubble that is called "the economic situation," the more you find yourself at the effect of your concern. Please hear that again: the more you connect to the energy bubble that is called "the economic situation," the more you find yourself at the effect of your concern.

This means that what you think about is what you see showing up in your life, and what you then experience. It is truly that simple.

Your greatest protection, your greatest strength, your greatest ally during this situation is your very lack of concern. For this is where your hope lies. It lies in, as the great master teacher Jesus said, "turning the other cheek." Look away from what you do not want and look toward what you do want. Think not about what you do not want and think about what you DO want.

There is a verse in one of your sacred books, the Bible, that states "Keep your mind stayed on me." This means to keep your thoughts, your visions, your very essence focused upon the Truth of all that is. It means to keep your hopes, your dreams, your desires focused upon the Love of all that is. It means to keep your energies, your time, your very conversations focused upon the Abundance of all that is.

And when you do this, you have no cause for concern. For it is in the focusing of your thoughts, your energies and your visions that creates your life itself. And where you focus your thoughts and your energies is how you then create.

Holy One, you have the power within you to change all of your experiences. All. All. This is where your power lies, right here, right now, in what you are thinking about, what you are focusing upon, and what you are talking about with others. If you spend time thinking about how difficult things are, then you are going to see more difficulties coming into your experience. If you spend time thinking about how wonderful things are, then you are going to see more wonderfulness coming into your experience.

We offer this to you knowing that you are beginning to understand your own power, your own connection to the Source of All That Is: God itself. The One. And the deeper and stronger your connection, the more abundant, loving and joyous your life experiences are. The choice is yours, right now, in this moment in time.

And so it is.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where Is My Beloved?

Dear Karleon -

I feel I have been waiting my entire life for The One. While that's not entirely accurate, because I have dated (and even married) in the past, still, that one perfect partner still hasn't come to me. I just don't understand. When can I expect him to come into my life? And how can I make it happen faster?

Holy One -

We hear the longing in your very being and wish you to know that your partner is coming to you, even as we speak. Your fear that it will not happen (and even some that it will), however, has great power and intensity and it is keeping a wall, if you will, strongly in place and around which neither you nor your partner can see.

Yet you can feel it. If you were to close your eyes and move to a space of quiet within and breathe light and love into that space, soon you would be receptive enough to be able to feel his very presence in your life. For it is in this place that you are feeling the connection to Spirit itself. And it is from this connection with Spirit that you let go of your fear and take down your wall.

The more time you spend here, feeling him, and feeling Spirit, the quicker he can come to you.

Your connection to love itself is what will allow him to show up in your life. Your connection to fear is what keeps it from happening.

It really is that simple.

Go, Holy One, and practice this. You know what you desire. He has heard you. He comes to you in your moments of non-resistance. You know this. Now, allow yourself to receive him fully, just as you receive Spirit fully into your being.

And so it is.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Is My Purpose?

Dear Karleon,

I'm so tired of trying to figure out what my purpose is here. I have attended all kinds of spiritual classes, and I have read all sorts of books, and I am really wondering: why am I here? What am I supposed to do?


Holy One -

We hear the frustration and the fear in your question, and we understand that you are searching, searching, searching and feeling as though you are not finding your way.

We suggest to you that you are finding your way, Sacred One.

Before you negate what we say, let us say this: the process of discovery is exactly the process you are experiencing. This is what that process looks like. This is what that process feels like. This is what that process sounds like.

Many of you feel as though you came to this physical experience to do something. We agree. You feel as though you came to do something specific. Again, we agree. You search and search for Your Path, and do not realize that the searching is Your Path.

This is where we can assist you.

For it is in the sacred journey of searching that you discover piece by piece your Truth, your Love, your Peace. You cannot discover this without the journey.

Your question suggests that you believe you can ... and even more, that you should. Your question suggests that you should be able to know without the search, and we say to you that cannot be.

We remind you of the one called Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb and said he discovered 2,000 ways to not create the light bulb!
It is the search itself that leads to the discovery.

We are happy to give you some guideposts, which will assist you in discovering for yourself what your purpose is.

As you are reading your books, and as you are attending your classes, ask yourself: Am I doing this because I find joy in this or am I doing it because I feel I should? If your answer is the former (joy), then please continue. If, however, it is the latter (should), please do not continue.

Choosing your life from a place of joy will bring you awareness and recognition (re-cognition) of your Truth, your Love and your Peace far more quickly than choosing your life from a place of should. We say to you this: you will never discover your Truth, your Love and your Peace by choosing your life from "should."

It cannot be.

Your purpose is always filled with a beingness of joy. Always. Because Spirit is Joy. Therefore, when you choose your life from joy, you are choosing Spirit. And when you are choosing your life from "should" you are not choosing Spirit, for Spirit would never say to you "You should do this." Rather, Spirit says "Come play over here in joy!"

So we say to you this: choose joy and you will discover your purpose very quickly. For you will be choosing Spirit.

And Spirit will always guide you to your greatness.

And so it is.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Why Did My Husband Leave Me?

A woman recently asked Karleon, "Why did my husband leave me? I knew things weren't good, and I knew we had problems, but I didn't think they were so awful that he would leave." (She has given permission for us to share our answer with you here.)

Holy One, We have compassion for your pain. And we understand that at this time, you may not truly hear what we have to say. But we would ask you to keep it in your heart for when you are ready to hear our answer. For your experience is a sacred one and your pain is important for you, for it helps move you closer to your Truth, closer to the Divine that moves through all, and lives in all.

This experience has caught you by surprise, and yet, on a deeper level, you knew that there were problems and challenges. We say to you that your intuition was whispering to you, that it was helping you to prepare for this experience.

We also say that you were hearing, but not fully listening.

For you - and for many of our friends who share the physical reality as you do - this is truly the lesson in each experience. For in the listening to your own deeper Truth, to your own intuitive nature, it is here that you are strengthening your connection to the Divine. And the stronger this connection, the more clear you are about your life, and about the people who share your life. And then you are not surprised when experiences come into being. For you have felt the undercurrent, you have heard the whispers, and you have seen the Truth.

We ask you not to say to yourself "I should have known because my intuition was telling me, and I wasn't listening." This would not be helpful for you in learning how to trust your intuitive nature. Rather, we would have you say "I was listening, and I did know. I just did not fully understand the communication being given to me by Spirit. And now I am willing to listen more clearly."

In answer to you question, "Why did he leave?" we say this: each of you has the freedom to choose your own life's path. Some share that path for a shorter period of time than others.

The agreement between the souls is sacred, and it is to be honored. Your agreement with him was one of learning and of sharing the path for a period of time. In your mind, your ideal is that it be forever. We say to you that cannot be. For nothing is forever, and all must change and expand with new understanding, new consciousness, and new growth in order to live. To not change and to not expand is to die.

Your husband has given you the sacred gift of learning more about yourself, and about your own connection to the Divine. If you will embrace this gift, we promise you that you will indeed thank him one day. (We did not say it would be tomorrow.)

Give yourself the permission to be where you are, to learn from this experience one day at a time. Turn your attention, as best you can, to the soft, loving embrace of the Divine, to the quiet within, to assist you in moving into your new understanding of yourself, your husband, and of your path that you have shared. Choose love, as best you can, for it will show you a new path, a new depth of understanding, and a new way of being.

It is for this reason that this has come into your experience. Trust us when we say you will be grateful for his courage in following his own truth. Your own future is bright and shining, and alive with love and joy. You must understand and integrate this lesson first, however, in order to move into that Truth.

You are indeed blessed, Holy One. And so it is.

Who is Karleon?

In 2006, after moving to Southern Florida, I asked a question during a meditation. I was seeking help on understanding what my next right action should be regarding my work. I heard the words "We are here, and we will help you" (inside my head). I asked "Who are you?" and I heard "We are Karleon." I then went into the conversation of where did they come from and why should I believe them, etc., etc.

Through the past two and a half years, I have been integrating their energies with mine.

Karleon is a group of high-vibrational teachers, who are assisting those to strengthen our connection to the Divine. Those of us who feel called to their messages and their love are guided by them in understanding the deeper lesson of issue occuring in our lives. Here, I will share some of their messages with you.

If you have a question for Karleon, please leave it in the comments section. I will check regularly, and bring forth their guidance on that question.

If you enjoy the work of Abraham-Hicks, and are a student of the Law of Attraction, you will enjoy Karleon, for it is of a similar nature. Karleon is very self-empowering, humorous, and loving. Their guidance is direct and yet very generally calming. It is usually gentle, and thought-provoking. Read on, and decide for yourself...