Saturday, March 7, 2009

Should I Take This Course?

Dear Karleon -

There is a course I really want to take. I feel so drawn to it, and I feel it will change my life if I do. But here's the concern: it's very expensive ($7500), and I don't feel I'm fully ready for it.

What should I do?

Beloved One -

You have come to us with a very common problem that we see among our beloved friends. There is something you feel called to do - called by Spirit to do - and yet your human concerns and fears get in the way.

And we will agree that they are legitimate concerns. For we understand the nature of being in the world in which you must exchange money energy for your shelters, your clothing, your food and your learning.

And we say to you this: the calling is very real. The timing is very perfect. And you will not make a mistake if you do it now or if you do not do it now. For each experience lines up differently with the Universal energies.

What we mean by this is that who you are in this very moment will line up perfectly with who you would meet and interact with and what you would learn in this class that you feel called to take. And we also say that should you choose to wait then who you will become in the future will also line up perfectly with who you would meet and interact with and also with what you would learn - at that later time.

You see, every time is a perfect time.

If you are waiting because you do not feel ready, then we say to you: get ready. For you will be called again for this (or another) class. For it is Spirit calling you forth; it is your own inner knowing that this class or training is right for you, and Spirit will continue to call you forth.

Do not fret. You will not miss out if you do not do this now. You will only change the course a little and it will still be the perfect course for you.

Trust this, for we say it is so, and we offer it to you as a way of assisting you in being soothed over choices you make not only today, but tomorrow - and, as an added bonus, choices you have made in the past.

For there is no wrong choice. Only you make it to be so in your own minds. Spirit does not see it in the way you do. Spirit sees only love, only growth, only communion, only peace. Spirit sees that each choice you make leads you to that love, that growth, that communion, and that peace, if you will allow it to be so.

We thank you for this question, for it gives us the opportunity to commune with you in love, in joy, in peace - and we all expand as a result of this new understanding.

And so it is.

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